Monday, February 12, 2007

team awesome and akaroa!

where to start?! this past week has been completely mind blowing! before you get too excited, i'm going to tell you that i haven't done anything crazy or exciting in the sense that it couldn't be done in little old ohio... anyway. long story short, i've been in akaroa for the past week (well, a bit less) and it's been fucking awesome! i stayed at this hostel: the cher la mer. anyway, here's akaroa from the hill:
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and near the beach... but this isn't the nice beach:
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and what made it so freaking sweet was the company i had there. i needed some time with some really awesome people to give this trip a nice conclusion. the weather was great the first day and a half, but then it was all cloudy the rest of the time, but my spirits soared. i first met this great british guy, mark, who was super cool and who i played shithead (a card game) with for many hours. we also went to see this french movie: the valet... which was hilarious.

i also went sailing in akaroa... i got a tour of the bay and saw lots of dolphins and cool rock stuff and cool seals...
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so here was the boat i was on:
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then colin came along... and he somehow was totally a perfect addition to the card playing, movie watching, music chatting group of mark and me (and occasionally tim... a guy who worked on the sailing boat and lived at the hostel) we named ourselves, TEAM AWESOME and we conquered the town (which was so small... there was no town), so we really just played shithead all day and night and took turns cooking feasts for each other... here's the boys (well mostly colin that night) cooking:
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and the result: (yes, i'm the one with the wine and the beer... tee hee)
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we went to le bons bay one day and wandered around... super cool. mark evaluated the sand quality:
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and colin checked out the surf...
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then he found this guy was having a bad hair day:
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i found a bone:
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and we went to the movies and saw volver... which was also great (the movie theater in this town was sweet!!)
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we adopted a stray cat... who in turn brought us a dead mouse... we named him charlie:
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and we really got along with everyone at the hostel... so we drank until we could drink no more the night before we left...
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and when we were leaving, one of the staff actually said, "you guys can't leave... you're like the furniture." i was touched. it such a perfect chill place and the guys and the other people we hung out with were all really awesome. i mostly chilled with mark and colin, but i also had long chats/played shithead with the guy named tim, who has had a sweet life of lots of sailing and who worked in denali this past summer doing restaurant work... we had so much fun talking about that place... here's us playing shithead and talking films and religion with tim:
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i also met this bad ass girl from juneau, alaska... stephanie. she has traveled the past 2 (american) winters to norway and other cool places and who is a glacier guide in ak in the summer... and she was only 18... crazy. anyway, it was sweet!!! yay for akaroa... anyway, the plan is to go to the farm tomorrow and hang out for the day, have a bbq on the beach if the weather is ok and then drive to chc on thurs and take off. it'll be really sad to leave... but since hanging with colin, i kind of want to come here and do a year graduate diploma in wine making/selling... hmm

anyway. i love you. xoxoxoxo!


stella: you are so totally sweet. i have nothing new for you since i facebook messaged you. thanks for enjoying my last story. it really looks like you're living up your senior year, which is soo freaking awesome. i'm super excited for you and everything. and if i haven't told you yet, your hair looks sweet! do you wear dresses and things like that all the time? because it is totally sexy. i think i'm getting a mullet again... tee hee. anyway, i'm still super excited to hang out... even if it is a week or two later because of silly spring break schedules... poo

nancy: you're right. i hope school isn't killing you... hugs and kisses. miss you girl.


Anonymous said...

"you can't leave - you're like the furniture!" Ahahahaha. That's awesome. And no, of course I don't wear skirts. Silly Genevieve, skirts are for girls! Besides, that's Emily's skirt. And it's f-ing cold here. Not really skirt weather, you know? Right now we have at least a foot of snow and it's still coming doen hard. In fact, 8am and 9am classes are CALNCELLED tomorrow. Holy shit. And we're filling in the Kauke arch tonight. Sweetness. I love you.

Anonymous said...

p.s. the second comment was written by me! nancy! (i still hate signing stuff)

and we did fill the arch, and there are videos on youtube of kids getting arrested while filling the arch

i heart wooster again

Anonymous said...

Girl, you enjoy the rest of your time there! And then hurry home so we can play and such. =)

By the way, all of your pictures of the landscape are beautiful and they make me happy.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

you know what i miss that damn drink from nz, what the hell was it called? V or something? shit that stuff tastes so good in my mouth!!! you should bring me some even though you are not allowed, and you're not in new zealand anymore. but still

mrs. solid snake (nanc)